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Mon-Sat 6am-10pm

Actionable Steps to Sustain the Existence of Your Roof


Let’s face it: roofs get dirty whether we like it or not. Rain, leaves, organic bacterial growth, pine and cedar can have a roof getting messed up before you know it. In most cases, roofs are hard to access and can be intimidating for many people. Some people lack the proper equipment to scale their houses, while others fear heights. Because a roof’s surface shouldn’t be forgotten, we’re here to help educate and provide real solutions. The last thing we want for anyone is a roof deteriorating away, gutters overflowing, and homeowners not knowing what to do about it. So, if you’re here because you want to learn more about the best ways to clean your roof (or have it professionally cleaned), read on! Our goal is to help you assess, devise a plan, and get your roof cleaned!

Gauging Your Roof’s Condition

Properly assessing your roof is the first important step. You should be familiar with the age of your roof. Knowing how many seasons it has gone through will help you determine the best plan forward for extending its longevity. It is also vital to know how often the roof has been cleaned. The longer a roof goes while being dirty, the harder it is on the roof. This is especially true for asphalt-shingled and wooden roofs. When leaves and bacteria cover your roof, it promotes moisture retention, causing further growth. Bacterial growths in the forms of moss, mould, gloeocapsa magma, etc., are a roof’s biggest natural enemies. Their favourite food is the fibres in asphalt and wood.

If accurately assessed, you will know what materials may or may not cover your roof. You will know what types of growth are multiplying and why they are a risk to your roof’s life. You will know what parts of your roof are the most susceptible – as some sides or parts are exposed to more rain, sun, or falling debris. You will also have a good understanding of your roof’s age, what overall condition it’s in, and thus, how long it can potentially last. After coming to an accurate knowledge, you can then take necessary actions. Sometimes, action is required immediately, and others can be planned for the future.

How To Do Preventative Maintenance

The first and easiest thing you can do is to keep your roof free of debris. As stated above, the less moisture retained, the better. If you can keep the leaves, the pine, and the cedar off your roof, you are already on your way to extending the lifespan of your roof! The next thing is to remove organic bacterial growth. These take on many different forms because of differing roof materials. The location of your house matters greatly, too. Some roofs will be at risk of developing dark stains. While not as apparent as thick moulds, these dark stains are still a growing force eating up your roof. If heavy organic material is residing on your roof, it’s best to remove it gently. Once all the significant growth is removed, the best plan forward is to kill any remaining bacterias that are harder to see. Doing so will indeed allow your roof to last much longer.

Cedar Roof Restoration

If you have a cedar roof and are considering options to perform regular maintenance, fix a leak, or completely restore it, look no further than South-West Roof Restoration! They are specialized contractors dealing solely with cedar roofing in the Vancouver area. They’ll clean, treat, repair, and re-roof homes with cedar roofs. They’ve been in business for nearly forty years, have a rock-solid reputation, and offer a 5-year leak-proof warranty.

Cedar Roofing Repair & Maintenance by South-West Roof Restoration Inc.
– Photo of home in Abbotsford with Cedar Shakes

Our Soft Washing Process

At Zander SoftWash, we have a three step approach to cleaning roofs:

  • Step one is to remove hefty disturbances, freeing up the surface area.
  • Step two is to apply a cleaning solution that eliminates the bacterial growth. This is in contrast to pressure washing at a high PSI. Softly applied cleaning solutions will not cause premature roof deterioration.
  • After the bacteria is killed, step three is to rinse off all the remaining dead debris.

We use a custom-tailored cleaning solution for each home. This allows us to meet each person’s specific needs in the most efficient way possible. We’re here to provide you feedback on the state of your roof and help you devise the best maintenance plan moving forward. In addition to cleaning roofs, we clean gutters too! Gutters quickly fill up, they clog downspouts, and they can overflow, causing more surface areas to get dirty. If you want your roof to last long and look clean, please get in touch with us!